20 December 2019
Investors in People Accreditation – BSG Retains Accreditation Again
The Building Safety Group is proud to announce that it has retained the Investors in People accreditation, demonstrating its commitment to high performance through good people management.
Investors in People is the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results. Underpinning the Standard is the Investors in People framework, reflecting the latest workplace trends, essential skills and effective structures required to outperform in any industry.
BSG Investors in People accreditation
The highlights from our assessment reported that BSG exist to support their construction industry members and they are at the heart of everything they do. BSG has a strong employer brand and are clear what they stand for, what their purpose is and how they intend to go about achieving it. It was apparent from the interviews that all staff align around their core purpose. There is good awareness of the strategic direction of BSG and aspirations and expectations of staff are high in ensuring they play their part in meeting it.
There is a positive ‘can do’ culture at BSG which is very much led from the top with an experienced MD in Paul Kimpton. People like working at the organisation and feel their contribution makes a difference to the success of the business.
BSG provides a range of learning and development opportunities along with support that is made available, focusing on the technical and professional skills of their staff and knowledge of health and safety and standards. A knowledgeable workforce is very much seen to support newcomers to acquire the skills and experience required.
You can find out more BSG updates here: https://bsgltd.co.uk/news/